Price conditioning aka AC (air conditioner) is not only more affordable, its also becoming attractive and compact. One interesting option now is a portable air conditioner. Portable air conditioner has long known to the public, but its size was still considered 'giant'. As a result, the AC type is more widely used to cool a room that size is relatively large, as in the hall or a permanent tent.
Portable Air Conditioner Review Now the size of a portable air conditioner the more cute and the price is friendly with the size of the bag. AC type is now easily found in a number of electronic centers in the capital at a price of Rp 3 million.
AC is indeed easily removable as needed. Push live alone, with a portable air conditioner wheel base can be moved easily. Want in the living room, bedroom or family room. Stay adjust as needed. In short, have a portable AC unit can meet the demand for cool air in every room of the house.

Because portable, you do not have to bother thinking about the need dibobok room wall, or installation of a permanent air conditioning installation air conditioning as usual. So say goodbye to the bracket and a long cable, which sometimes bring trouble.
In terms of design, portable air conditioner also lost a beautiful baseball with AC permanent. On the market is dominated by air-conditioning with box design, the height ranges between 28 to 34 inches. More impressed concise.
Currently, he also has outstanding portable air conditioner with a display panel. Besides beautify the look, this display lets you adjust the air conditioning working. This information is usually a setting and room temperature.
Portable air conditioner requires a hot air exhaust to maintain the coolness of the room. Like the outdoor air conditioning unit on permanent. On portable air conditioner such function is held by the alias ventilation vent located on the back of the body.
This vent out hot air that can be connected with drain pipes can be directed to a window or a way out. This kind of air exchange, secured indoor air clean and fresh. Surely you must make sure doors and windows closed, even if there is a gap that is used for exhaust pipe, should not be too wide. Leaving a large gap is tantamount to aggravate the air conditioning working.
AC that works without a good vent so no maximum. Cold air is also not evenly spread. The area in front of the AC is still cold, but the back? Heat ya anyway ... This is due to the heat generated thrown through the back. If not handled properly, the heat just spinning.
When the portable air conditioner cools the room work, will create humidity, usually resemble dew. There is already a special port in the reservoir drops of dew is so not spill onto the floor
We recommend that you check regularly and do not forget to empty tampungannya. In addition to models with port khususada also a model without a port. Moisture will evaporate on its own. Then there are models that combine both ways.
Portable Air Conditioner Tips
Each model has advantages and disadvantages. Models with a storage require special ketelanen to throw water in the container regularly. A seemingly easy job although sometimes the omission of factors could be a boomerang.
The model without a specific port certainly easier, but some people worry about the air that impressed 'wet' due process of evaporation is less than the maximum.
Do not be afraid of the air conditioner will cause noise in your home. A good portable air conditioner comes to your home with minimal noise.
Besides the noise factor, the design of anti-corrosion material is also more easily found. Anti-corrosion material could extend the life of air conditioning and maintaining air quality are produced. Finally, survivors feel the freshness switch in your home.
1. Size of room
AC knows BTU British Thermal Unit, aka the cooling speed to 1 meter square room with a high standard (generally 3 meters). The larger one room of course the higher the BTU required. If the unit you buy does not match the BTU needed, would be difficult for AC to work to fulfill your request. If too small, the time needed to move fresh air into the room too much longer. Likewise if you buy air-BTU air conditioner too high.
Intensity Transfer
If you frequently move the portable from one room to another room, then before buying the air conditioner make sure the model that best matches of all candidates for the room which is roughly going to be subjected to the AC.
2. Energy Efficiency Ratio
The higher the EER rate, the less energy expended and air conditioning work is also more expensive. EER number, as an indicator, generated from the results for the BTU energy consumption, usually written in units of Watts. Rate above 10 is ideal for saving, but the range 9 also still good.
3. Type of shelter
Make sure which type to suit your lifestyle. If you are diligent and do not interfere with the process of emptying a container port, the model can accommodate at the back of your choosing. If you want to practically choose who can vaporize itself. The combination of both types could be a good middle way.
The Beginners Guide Tips for Portable Air Conditioners :
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